LC-3 Climate Controller

LC-3 climate controller, the controller for 2 stable sections
The LC 3 control unit is a further development of our proven LC 2 controller. It is used for single and central exhaust and central ventilation. Generally one LC 3 is used as a central control unit and one additional LC 3 for every two sections. This provides for short walking distances and makes it possible to make adjustments directly at the section. It is also possible to monitor or make adjustments in individual sections from the central controller, or from a computer. Experience has shown that most section specific adjustments are made on location.
To facilitate monitoring, the LC 3 has e.g. all relevant section values at a glance in the display or the LED (without pressing a button). All general functions which do not affect the individual sections are assumed by the LC 3 which is used as the central controller. These are e.g. air conditioning, heat exchange functions, central humidification, overall control of the central ventilators, etc. The devices are busnetworked and have the same convenient user interface. This facilitates operation in different stables or stable buildings. Existing ventilation systems can also be subsequently fitted with the controller.
The main focus of Software development was to optimize the energy efficiency of the controller and simplify the operation.
All monitoring and adjustment functions can be made using only two or three buttons and an adjustment knob
automatic timer with up to 10 inflexion points, including the five pre-programmed, adjustable climate cycles (from practical experience)
automatic lowering and control range for temperature drops or rises, and heat load reduction at high temperature
automatic set point temperature control for seasonal adjustment
Ventilator control and automatic switch-on, and automatic heating switch-on and SCHWEKA function (gravity control)
day cycle (with rest, activity and standard mode), FMA function (weather-controlled adjustment of the minimum air rate in the sections)
the situational distribution of air in the exhaust duct (SITUR) for extremely one-sided exhaust points e.g. bio-filters or exhaust air tower
four programmable cycles and under floor heating with individual timer, room heating independent of target heating values
control of individual section supply air flap, for nest or under floor heating
testing function for all connected devices (ventilators, heater fans, exhaust air flaps etc.)
graphic display of all temperature cycles and performance over the last 24 hrs. can be displayed
automatic adaptation of pre-chamber air
fully automatic heat exchanger controls including all components, such as: wash, air flaps, capacity, control range etc.
additional functions such as interface, real time, increased storage functions, with readout possibility without computer connection
improved heat exchanger control, as well as modified situation dependant adaptation of the air flow rate in the exhaust duct
LC-3 BUS network - digital networking of the system (diagram)
LC-3 controller displays- clear and practical - for the user
Images of: Climate controllers
Videos on the subject of Control technology
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