News14.06.2012 Cooperation with Hartmann food technologyCooperation with Hartmann food technology The quality standards in Russia are gradually reaching European levels. Hartmann food technology from Nienburg has years of experience in the Russian market. As a general contractor in Russia Hartmann has always focused on quality and selected its products accordingly. Rising energy prices are also a real concern in Russia. This was the reason for Hartmann's decision to move in a new direction. It was natural for them to look for a partner in Germany who is on the same level in terms of stable climate control, and especially in the area of heat exchangers. We are pleased that they have decided to work with us. Hartmann believes that it is very important not to use any products from China. Only products from Europe are used. Since all of our suppliers produce in Europe, and because we receive the heat exchanger components and the LC4 controller from Europe, it stood to reason that a premium provider would use our systems. Since we are always interested in long-term cooperation we have guaranteed Hartmann the sole distribution rights for HDT products in the Russian market and CIS countries. System
installations require partners with the necessary skills to optimally plan and
implement a pig stable. Our proven products, such as the eddy current air-air heat exchanger MFK will also be used as will our perforated supply air panels with click connection. Because of the risk of icing up we have modified the heat exchanger for the Russian market and designed a special deicing system with hardware and software. We will soon begin with the delivery of an object for 4500 sows in a closed system in Ulan Ude, followed then by an object in Melekesskji for 1250 pigs - also as a closed system. The following images give an impression of the facility from our last trip to Russia. Your hdt team |