News10.01.2013 Broiler Production with a Heat Exchanger![]() An increasing number of broiler production houses are being equipped with our high-performance hdt MFK air-air eddy current heat exchanger; even though we don't belong to the "chicken mafia". Word is getting around about who really produces the best heat exchangers, even among the poultry farmers. Especially since several chicken houses use "home-made" heat exchangers made from questionable materials using adventurous techniques, and some of them stop working after 3 years in service. In addition to better technology our exchangers have a high heat recovery rate. These two things together offer an enormous potential for environmental improvement in broiler houses. The CO² concentration is too high, especially in broiler production. Exposure to ammonia in the first weeks of life is often very high too. In these cases a heat exchanger helps enormously to improve the stable climate. During the first days the heat exchanger supplies the chicks with sufficient amounts of air. Image: Air flow in the laterally installed air-air exchanger Red= warm exhaust air, blue= cold fresh air, purple= warmed supply air There is great potential for retrofitting in the Broiler production field. Our three years of experience with broiler production have shown that our washing system has no problems with residual feathers. Our team would be pleased to provide information to poultry breeders or broiler producers about retrofitting possibilities. You'll find more detailed information if you download: Schema Haehnchenmast Waermetauscher 2013.pdf Contact person in our company: Mike Mielehausen Extension: 49 (0)5441 992922, Mobile: 0170 37009 22, e-mail: Or call our reception at: 05441 99290 We look forward to your inquiry. Your hdt and |