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Cooperation with Hartmann food technology

The quality standards in Russia are gradually reaching European levels. Hartmann food technology from Nienburg has years of experience in the Russian market. As a general contractor in Russia Hartmann has always focused on quality and selected its products accordingly...

Under Floor Exhaust Extraction - Myths and Facts

Under Floor Exhaust Extraction - Myths and Facts

Again and again we experience that, in technical discussions with colleagues and other industry insiders, utterly false or misleading statements regarding the function and effect of a under floor exhaust extraction are made...

Leaky stable doors

Leaky stable doors

Unfortunately we always come across leaky section doors when we do our checks in the stables.

So we would like to point out once more...

Energy Costs in Pig Farming

Energy Costs in Pig Farming

The ever rising energy prices are causing several managers to "screen" their businesses:

where is my operation? are my energy costs too high? or is everything OK?

New perforated Panels

New perforated Panels

The further development of the well-known hard foam supply air perforated panel led to the innovation of a new perforated panel which is made ​​of EPS foam with NANO technology

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Ulan Ude

Our heat exchangers had to prove themselves in temperatures below -40° C. The facility in Ulan Ude has been running for several months.

Our automatic deicing concept also worked at these extreme temperatures. During active deicing 50% of the exchanger capacity is still available. The special design of heat exchangers for these extreme temperatures allows for a separate deicing area in each exchanger. 2 sensors montior the operation and the software ensures the thawimg of the exchanger's supply air ventilators and washing system one half at a time.

After this the deicing process switches automatically to and the other half while the first half activates to move heat back into the stable. This reduces heating by more than 60%.

The heat is moved back into the stable through the suspended supply air ceiling. Bizarre ice sculptures form around the outside of the heat exchanger's exhaust ports

Image: Ice on the exhaust port

files/inhaltbilder/galerien/Aktuell 2013/Ulan Ude 2013/Eis 3.jpg

Now we know that our concept works under these extreme weather conditions.

Some more images can be seen in the following photos.

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